Quill Hyde - Designer

Quill Hyde was born at home in 1972 in rural Washington State, in a shack his father built out of recycled windows and tin. After stints living in old farmhouses, a tipi and a Chevy truck, the family settled in the town of Chesaw.  Quill grew up doing ranch work, fixing cars, riding horses, and playing music with the family.

With money from scholarships, loans, and odd jobs, he went to Reed College and studied physics.  He then transferred to Columbia University to graduate with a combined degree in physics and mechanical engineering. He landed a job designing machines and rigging systems for Broadway shows, and started his own theatrical automation company in 2002 (www.hydepower.com). Since then he has designed and built every kind of theatrical effect, from flying rigs to elevators, for numerous shows (including Blue Man Group, Mamma Mia, and Little Mermaid). He now has an 18-month old baby girl, plays music with three bands, and never stops thinking about machines. His shop is located in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

The Crew


Portraits by Tahoe Dave